
Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan(ASEAN Regional Office) 


Japan is hiring more and more talented international students regardless of their nationality.
They energize their organizations with diverse thinking and perspectives, and serve as international go-betweens. Japan has many blue-chip companies with world-beating technology and top market shares.
These include major corporations as well as small and medium-sized companies.
Working in Japan can be a great opportunity to accumulate knowledge and experience that will help your future.

From international student to employee

Number of people changing from "Student" resident status to one of the working resident statuses

(Number of people)



Learn Japanese language and corporate culture to become a must-have employee!

I came to Japan in 2012 and entered the University of Tokyo to study political science after completing a preparatory course. I now work as a freelance programmer.
Although it depends on your chosen major, Japanese university offers a lot of freedom, and you can even take part in a variety of extracurricular activities such as internships. Additionally, thanks to the new graduate hiring system, Japan is the easiest country in which to shape your first career among advanced countries. To succeed in Japan, rather than becoming Japanese, you should make the most of your unique strengths as a foreigner. The language skills learned through studying and working in Japan as well as the understanding of this unique culture are sure to become irreplaceable strength. If you want to become a sought-after employee in this world of advancing globalization, I really recommend studying and working in Japan.

Looking for work

Job hunting in Japan is quite unique. Therefore, it is essential that international students seeking employment begin preparations well in advance.
This schedule varies by each company, so be sure to gather related information in a proactive manner.

  • JUL
  • AUG
  • SEP
  • OCT
  • NOV
  • DEC
  • JAN
  • FEB
  • MAR
  • APR
  • MAY
  • JUN
  • JUL
  • AUG
  • SEP
  • OCT
  • NOV
  • DEC
  • JAN

Take internships

Joint briefing sessions and seminars
Company briefing sessions

Written tests and interviews
Provisional job offer
*official job are from October

Change of status of residence

Self-analysis and evaluation
Industry and corporate research
Examining job types
Visiting alumni

Application forms/Resumes
Aptitude tests (Web tests and test center examinations, etc.)

Interview tips

Application form tips

Three tips

1Understand Japan's unique job-hunting procedure early on

It is important to understand the aspects of job hunting in Japan and how the process is different from your own country.

2Become skillful in business Japanese

What companies look for in international students is their Japanese ability. Since companies tend to value interviews highly in recruiting, work on your listening and speaking skills to succeed in job hunting.
Also, the language used in business Japanese is different from everyday speech. Challenge yourself with business terms as you prepare for job hunting.

3Gather job information for international students

Not all companies and organizations recruit international students, and not many companies actively advertise that they are recruiting international students. It is important to be proactive in gathering information yourself.
Make sure to seek out and attend joint company briefing sessions and interview sessions. Make full use of your university's career center or career services division as well as support organizations outside the school (Employment Service Centers for Foreigners).

Information sources and content to be gathered

University career center

  • Corparate recruitment information
  • Individual consultation for job hunting
  • List of graduates
  • Job hunting reports from formaer international students

Newspapers and Media

  • Job hunting trends for the current academic year
  • Japanese social trends (economics and politics)
  • World affairs
  • Job information

Books and informational magazines

  • Industry trends
  • Screening test preparation
  • Information from recruting companies
  • Kaisha Shikiho (Japanese Company Handbook) and Gyokai Chizu (Map of the Business World)


  • Corporate recruitment information
  • Requesting information and starting applications
  • Applying for seminars
  • Word-of- mouth information
  • Quarterly job hunting journal
  • Latest company information and internal environment

Public Offices

  • Job-opening information cards not available at university
  • Internship information
  • Information for foreign nationals
  • Individual counseling on finfing employment

Created by editing "STUDY IN JAPAN-Basic Guide-"
"Job Hunting Guide for International Students" (JASSO)