
Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan(ASEAN Regional Office) 




Calling For Honjo International Scholarship Foundation

Honjo International Scholarship Foundation
Guideline of Application for the Foreign Students’ Scholarship Fall 2021
(Application Period: April 1 ~ May 5, 2021)
Outline of Scholarship
1. This scholarship is open to foreign students who will attend a graduate school at a Japanese university.
2. The payment of the scholarship money will be issued starting from September 2021 onwards.
3. The scholarship recipient is under no obligation to repay the amount they receive from our Foundation.
4. The period of the scholarship for the recipient is set in accordance with the shortest period of time required to complete the intended degree.
4.1. ¥200,000 per month for 1 or 2 years
4.2. ¥180,000 per month for 3 years
4.3. ¥150,000 per month for 4 years or 5 years
* The student is not allowed to change his / her course after the scholarship period has commenced.
* Those whose enrollment period is shorter than one year are not eligible to apply.
5. The travel grant to cover the expenses to attend an international conference will be provided to scholarship recipients, based on our scholarship provision rules.
6. The scholarship recipient is not permitted to receive any other scholarship in conjunction with the scholarship offered by our Foundation.
7. The scholarship recipient cannot gain employment other than part-time jobs related to his / her studies such as teaching assistant, research assistant, or related to international exchange affairs such as translators or interpreters while receiving our scholarship.
8. The scholarship recipient is required to participate in the individual interview and the events that the foundation organizes.
9. After graduating from our foundation, the scholarship recipient is required to attend our alumni events.
Number of Scholarships Available A few students
(To be eligible for applying our scholarship, the student must satisfy ALL of the requirement criteria shown below.)
1. The student who does not possess Japanese citizenship
2. The student must be enrolled as of Fall 2021 or currently applying for the academic course starting from Fall 2021 at a graduate school in Japan. Those who are already enrolled and those who are not enrolled yet (including people who are currently employed with jobs at the time of applying for the program) are both eligible to apply for this scholarship if you are going to be enrolled in Fall 2021. Those who are going to enter graduate schools in Spring 2022 should apply for the 2022 program which starts accepting applications from September 1 to October 30, 2021 (scheduled).
3. In principle, the student enrolling in a professional graduate school is not eligible to apply. However, the student who can submit a research plan is eligible to apply.
4. The enrollment duration until graduation must be longer than 12 months.
5. To be eligible, the student applying for the PhD program must start the PhD course by the age of 35. Student applying for the master’s program must start the master course by the age of 30.
6. The student must have a strong will to serve in his / her home country as a future career plan.
7. The student must have a deep understanding of international friendship and goodwill, and must attend the events organized by the foundation and take part in the network as an alumni member. 8. The student must be able to carry an everyday conversation in Japanese. Interviews will be conducted in Japanese. (no exception)
How to Apply
1. Enter the “web application system” and then complete all the necessary information. Upload the required documents A~ D as PDF file. “Web application system”→ (This system is available starting from April 1, 2021)
2. When you have completed the application procedure, an application number will be issued.
The application numbers of the successful students will be announced on our website, so please make sure to save the number you received.
Documents required to be uploaded are as follows:
A. Academic transcript (In Japanese or English; please attach a translation in case of other languages.)
A-1. Academic transcript of the undergraduate course (Required) If you transferred into the university from the College of technology (kōsen school system), the transcript from that school is also required.
A-2. Academic transcript of the graduate school (If you do not have the transcript, you do not need to submit it.)
B. Research Proposal: Use the designated template and write in Japanese language. The template of the MS Word file is available on our website. What we want applicants to describe:
B-1. What you are going to research
B-2. What and how you are going to contribute to your home country based on what you will learn or study in Japan B-3. What you already achieved regarding research, academic, and social activity
C. A recommendation letter from a supervisor: Please obtain a recommendation letter describing your academic performances, personal characteristics evaluation, future potential, etc. You can also obtain a recommendation letter from your previous supervisor in your country, if the recommender is familiar with your academic background. *The number of sheets and formats are not designated. *The recommender can send the recommendation letter directly to the foundation without sending it to the applicant. The letter should be sent from the recommender’s email account to no later than the date of the deadline. The application number should be included in the subject of the email.
D. Documents that prove admission, such as an admission letter, a letter of acceptance, etc. Please upload the certificate of enrollment only if the student is already enrolling in the graduate school.
* If the admission letter or the letter of acceptance is not available by May 5, 2021, please enter the probable date that is available on the “web application system” and then send it to the HISF office via email as soon as it is available. Note that, after May 6, 2021, you cannot log into the web application system.
* Even if the envelopes are directed as “Confidential” or “Invalid if opened”, open all the envelopes and upload the documents as PDF files through the “scholarship web application system”.
* Photocopied documents can also be used and uploaded.
Miscellaneous notes on entry
1. Application documents are not required to be sent by post.
2. The data you input in the “web application system” can be rewritten or replaced at any time until May 5, 2021. The latest data is automatically overwritten.
3. The application documents will not be returned to the applicants.
4. Regarding the personal information written in the application documents, they will not be used for any other purposes than for the scholarship selection process. However, please be confirmed that a limited personal information will be provided for the following specific persons.
4.1. The application documents can be submitted to the selection committee members for document screening and selection process.
4.2. The personal information can be used for confirming the contents of the application, and for inquiring to confirm the scholarship overlapping, to the university staff and other scholarship organization, during the selection process.
Selection Process
1. First selection
(Screening of documents): The result of the first selection will be announced by June 30, 2021. The application numbers of the selected candidates will be posted on our website.
2. Second selection (Interview): Conducted in early July, in Tokyo or by video call.
*The detailed schedule for the interview will be informed directly to those who pass the first selection process.
*The definite date of the interview will be posted on our website when confirmed.
3. Final results of the scholarship award: July 31, 2021.
*The application numbers of the selected candidates will be posted on our website.

About Scholarship Payment
1. In the following cases scholarship payment can be stopped. The recipient may require to pay back the scholarship amount that has already been paid, according to the decision made by the Board of Directors.
1.1. When it is difficult to continue schooling or research due to illness or other reasons.
1.2. When the supervisor recognized that the recipient is ineligible for continuing study or conducting the research.
1.3. In case of academic achievement failure or worst behavior discovered.
1.4. When your act as a scholar is recognized worst enough to hurting the honor of the Foundation.

For Inquiry about the Scholarship
* Inquiries are accepted by email.
Honjo International Scholarship Foundation
1-14-9, Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0063
Send inquiries to:

 Calling For Honjo International Scholarship Foundation(Guideline of Application for the Foreign Students’ Scholarship Fall 2021 )  2021 年度本庄国際奨学財団 外国人留学生(秋採用)奨学金募集要項  



What is "Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan (ASEAN Regional Office)"?

Okayama University was tasked by MEXT to increase the number of international students from ASEAN 2.7 times (103,861 students) in five years.