
Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan(ASEAN Regional Office) 




Calling For Okayama University (Faculty of Agriculture) Scholarship for the students from ASEAN Countries (Preliminary Education in Oct. 2021 and Undergraduate Admission in April 2022)

2021 APPLICATION FOR CANDIDATE SELECTION OF JAPANESE GOVERNMENT (MEXT) SCHOLARSHIP (For Global Agriscience Program Preliminary Education in Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University.
Application Period
March 15, 2021 to May 5, 2021.

Period of Scholarship
The scholarship period is effective for total education period (four and a half years).
(Preliminary Education 6 months + University Undergraduate Course 4 years)
Scholarship Benefits
Allowance: 117,000 yen per month. Admission and tuition fees will be paid by Okayama University.

Qualifications for Application
Applicant must meet all of the following requirements.
(1) Applicants must meet one of the following conditions by September 2021.
① Applicants must have completed 12 years of school education. (including those who are expected to complete at the time of admission)
② Applicants must have graduated from a school equivalent to an upper secondary school in Japan.
③ Those who qualify for universities in Japan due to qualifications other than the above.
(2) In principle, applicants must have been born on or after April 2, 1996.

Language Requirements: Applicants must meet one of the following requirements for proficiency in Japanese. Applicants who have level of English performance below is highly welcomed.
① Applicants who have at least N2 level of Japanese Language Proficiency Test(JLPT) by the start of regular course ( at start of preliminary education, applicants who have not had the certificate could be accepted).
② Applicants who is judged by Okayama University to have the Japanese ability equal or greater than ①.

① Applicants who have B1 level of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or higher.
② Applicants completed the curriculum which meets the entrance qualifications of Okayama University in English as the main language.
③ Applicants who is judged by Okayama University to have the English ability equal or greater than ①.

Contact for inquiry
Instruction and Student Section, Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Please use Japanese for inquiry, as possible as you can.

TEL: +81-251-8286, 8287 (Japanese only) 

Outline of Faculty of Agriculture :
Introduction Movie:

 Calling For Okayama University (Faculty of Agriculture) Scholarship for the students from ASEAN Countries (Preliminary Education in Oct. 2021 and Undergraduate Admission in April 2022)  岡山大学農学部奨学金プログラム」(2021年10月予備教育、2022年4月正規入学)の募集 



What is "Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan (ASEAN Regional Office)"?

Okayama University was tasked by MEXT to increase the number of international students from ASEAN 2.7 times (103,861 students) in five years.