
Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan(ASEAN Regional Office) 


Student Voice




University/Institution Name

Osaka University


Graduate School of Language and Culture( Japanese Language and Culture)

Period of study abroad


What did you do before studying in Japan?

Language Teacher

Why did you choose to study in Japan?

I want to learn more about Japan , Japanese language and culture so I decided to study in Japan.

How did you prepare for studying in Japan?

I have got information about Osaka University through IUCHI scholarship organization and OJEIC. Firstly, I searched and contacted the professor who supervised me and interacted with the email. And discussed about the research plan and then prepared for the entrance exam.

What are you studying/researching in Japan?

In 2021 October, I completed my master degree at Osaka University and currently continuing my research toward my doctoral degree. My field of study is about Japanese linguistics and it is the study of Japanese language and its structure.

What do you do in your personal time?

In my free time and holidays, I do my part time job and also go around travels and explore my hobbies.

Please tell us about your challenges in Japan and how you overcame them.

Living in Japan is very comfortable and enjoyable but sometime encounter cultural differences. For example transportation system in Japan is modernized and complicated. So I can’t learn at first time and locals kindly taught me which was very helpful.

Any encouraging message and/or advice to those who wish to study in Japan.

Studying in Japanese University will give you a lot of experience and knowledge. I hope you enjoy your university life in Japan.