
Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan(ASEAN Regional Office) 


Student Voice




University/Institution Name

Kyushu University


Environmental Design

Period of study abroad

Oct 2022 to Sep 2024

What did you do before studying in Japan?

Worked as an architect

Why did you choose to study in Japan?

After my graduation, my dream is to study post-graduate in a foreign country. Japan is one of the most developed countries in Asia and the instruction of education system is more advanced than compared to my country. In my opinion, I can get experience in a new environment and advanced education, so I believed that it could support my future career.

How did you prepare for studying in Japan?

Firstly, I researched institution related to my subject and found out a supervisor who mentor my research title. After that, I sent an email of my research proposal to my supervisor. Getting an acceptance letter from a supervisor is the most important and difficult part because if the professor did not accept the research proposal, I could not continue other procedures to apply to the institution.

What are you studying/researching in Japan?

Now, I am studying Japanese architecture and conservation process of heritage buildings.

What do you do in your personal time?

In my free time, I visit Fukuoka and I normally go to Japanese restaurants to experience their traditional cuisine, especially Ramen and Sushi restaurants. I also do a part-time job.

Please tell us about your challenges in Japan and how you overcame them.

Language, culture, and living style are very different from Myanmar and it takes time to adapt all. Moreover, Japan is one of the highest
technology countries, so all things are a challenge for me like taking a bus, taking a train, using coins and orders from a machine at the restaurant. But I tried to learn from my friends, so after one month, I was getting used to all, and went well. The Japanese language is very essential everywhere and I am still learning to improve my language skill.

Any encouraging message and/or advice to those who wish to study in Japan.

Japan is a good place we can explore new things and create a better future life. Moreover, we become stronger and more independent. If you wish to study in Japan, don’t give up your dream easily. Do not hesitate to ask questions and advice from your senior. Wish your dream do come true.