
Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan(ASEAN Regional Office) 


Student Voice

Kigsirisin Soraphon



University/Institution Name

Kumamoto University.


Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Period of study abroad


What did you do before studying in Japan?

Working as an engineer.

Why did you choose to study in Japan?

・Japanese universities have many highly experienced professors in electrical engineering field.
・There are several interesting events organized by the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ), in which I can share and exchange knowledge on electrical engineering with others to broaden my perspective in this field.
・Japanese universities encourage and support international students to conduct their research for journal publications and conferences.

How did you prepare for studying in Japan? Please tell us about how you found the information on institutions, supervisor, scholarship, and others.

・I attended the events of study in Japan in my country to seek scholarships and supervisors.
・Besides above, I researched a supervisor who fits my interest from Kumamoto University website. Then, I emailed and discussed my research plan as well as my intention of studying the doctoral degree with him.

How is your student life in Japan? Please tell us about your study, research, part-time job, and others.

・My professor is very helpful. He provided me suggestions and guidance whenever I faced a problem during my study.
・There are several scholarships for international students to support their living expenses. As a recipient of scholarships, I can live and study here with comfort.

Any message and/or advice to those who wish to study in Japan?

Japanese universities have many experienced professors and courses for international students to study degree courses and conduct research fields. These universities support study life of international students by providing many scholarships, and by spending money for them attending and presenting their search at domestic and international conferences. International students can exploit their potentials. Japanese people and environments are so kind and nice, although I do find that some basic Japanese skill may be required for a daily life. Also, intercultural events or activities might be a way to strengthen friendship among Japanese and international students.

My 1-day

7:30 wake up
8:00 breakfast
8:30 go to university
8:40 arrive at university
8:40 conduct research
12:00 lunch
13:00 conduct research
18:00 go home
18:30 eat dinner
23:00 sleep