
Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan(ASEAN Regional Office) 


Student Voice

Jeerapong Laonamsai



University/Institution Name

Kumamoto University


Graduate School of Science and Technology

Period of study abroad

Oct 2018-Sep 2021

What did you do before studying in Japan?

Working as a government officer

Why did you choose to study in Japan?

Japan is an attractive and very safe country. The government provides a lot of scholarships. So I could come here to chasing my dreams.

How did you prepare for studying in Japan? Please tell us about how you found the information on institutions, supervisor, scholarship, and others.

I have read my supervisor’s publications during my mater degrees and working, which it is the same of my research areas. After that, I emailed to my supervisor directly and he give me the information of scholarship. During the scholarship’s application, the university staffs were also keeping in touch all processes. I am sincerely appreciated.

How is your student life in Japan? Please tell us about your study, research, part-time job, and others.

I have been studying in Japan for 2 years as a doctoral student. In my everyday life, I have enjoyed Japanese culture, the delicious food, and the beautiful seasons. My supervisor always guide me and help me in regards to my research. I can consult with my sensei not only about studying, but also the matter of life and problems. Moreover, Kumamoto University also has Japanese Language course, so I think it will be very useful for me. Naturally, I have also been able to easily travel all over the country when I have the time.

Any message and/or advice to those who wish to study in Japan?

If you want to master in your research field or Japanese efficiently, the best way is to study in Japan. In addition to many university facilities, all professors are experts in their fields. By studying Japanese while using it in your daily life, you can also improve your Japanese language efficiently. The world will change when you start the first step! Give it a try!

My 1-day

6:30 wake up
7:30 Cooking & breakfast
8:00 go to fitness
9:30 arrive at university & brunch
10:00 start research
13:30 lunch
17:00 go home
17:30 Jogging in the park
19:00 eat dinner
20:20 writing research paper
22:45 sleep