
Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan(ASEAN Regional Office) 


Student Voice

Muam Aaron



University/Institution Name

Nagasaki University


School of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics)

Period of study abroad

April 2017 - March 2022

What did you do before studying in Japan?

High school student

Why did you chose to study in Japan?

When the conversation is about electrical appliances, Japanese brands are long recognized as reliable and innovative. This sparked my interest in studying in Japan back in my high school days. Perhaps coming here and learning from the best is the best choice I have ever made. Besides that, Japan is a role model in many aspects for developing countries like Malaysia. Affordable tuition fees paired with quality education made Japan my choice for further education.

How did you prepare for studying in Japan?

I engaged a Japanese school back in my country, where I attended Japanese language classes for 4 months. After that, I started attending a Japanese school in Tokyo whilst preparing for EJU for university applications. While in Tokyo, wanting to experience the other parts of Japan, I gathered information about the universities in Kyushu. Fortunately, I was given a chance to enroll in Nagasaki University, located in the prefecture where I stayed in for Youth Exchange Program in my high school days. Hearing of the opportunities for scholarship for undergraduates and beyond, I applied to all available scholarships to international students in my university. I was lucky to be chosen as a recipient for Satoyo International Scholarship Foundation, which greatly lighten the financial burdens of my parents.

How is your student life in Japan?

The first year in Japan was hard, as I was not fluent in Japanese. However, working part-time job in Tokyo provided me practice for Japanese language. After enrolling in Nagasaki University, I met many new friends and had the opportunity to learn more about Japan. In the first two years in Nagasaki, I was unable to travel and explore Japan due to financial constraints. In that period of time, I opted on working part-time job while staying with my friend in Tokyo to earn some extra pocket money during my long breaks. After being a scholarship recipient, I started travelling with my friends during long breaks, but most plans were cut short due to the ongoing pandemic. Entering my 4th year, I joined a lab specializing in control and power engineering. Under the guidance of my professor and senior, I am currently working on my final year project and planning to go for master’s degree.

Any message and/or advice to those who wish to study in Japan?

It is best to talk to someone who is staying in Japan, gather information about the university and courses before coming to Japan. Language barrier is major thing you will issue here, as most information are shown in Japanese. Part time job, finding a house, registering for services will be easier with Japanese undoubtedly.