Student Voice

Thon Mao
University/Institution Name
Nagasaki University
Disaster and Radiation Medical Sciences
Period of study abroad
What did you do before studying in Japan?
Working in Ministry of Mine and Energy
Why did you choose to study in Japan?
Because Japan in number 1 county for education. And I knew that Japan have good experience about
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and well prepare on it.
How did you prepare for studying in Japan? Please tell us about how you found the information on institutions, supervisor, scholarship, and others.
I had meeting with a supervisor from Nagasaki University and He told me about master course on Disaster and Radiation Medical Sciences, so I was interested because currently I am Head of Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards Office, Department of Nuclear Science and Technology, Ministry of Mines and Energy.
How is your student life in Japan? Please tell us about your study, research, part-time job, and others.
My life in Japan so amazing.
― For living so safety, no need to worry lost something and we can go out anytime during midnight as well.
― For my research teach me a lot ( new knowledge, new experience that I ever learn it before)
― One of my best experience is work part time job in Japan because I have learn a lot from my sensei and supervisor in my lab.
My 1-day
7:00 wake up
8:00 breakfast
8:20 go to university
8:25 arrive at university
8:30 start the class
12:30 lunch
12:50 take classes
11:00 part-time-job at Department of Radiation Biology and Protection
18:00 finish the part-time-job
18:30 go home
19:00 eat dinner
23:00 sleep