
Study in Japan Global Network Project in ASEAN


Student Voice




University/Institution Name

Kansai University / 関西大学


Economics / 経済学部

Period of study abroad

April 2017 -

What did you do before studying in Japan?

Working as a salesperson / セールスマンとして働いていた

Why did you chose to study in Japan? / なぜ日本留学をしようと思いましたか?

I was introduced to anime and Japanese dramas as a kid by my sister and have since been interested in Japanese culture. Interestingly, they were all of the Girls comics because that’s what my sister liked. Growing up, I got opportunities to see a lot of Japanese electronics and fallen in love with how they were designed and wanted to see more of them up close and decided to further my studies in Japan.


How did you prepare for studying in Japan? / 日本留学の準備はどんなことをしましたか?

Started studying Japanese when I was 13 in high school and was in the International Language Club for 5 years. When I was 16 and in my 4th year of high school, my supervising teacher asked me to join a speech contest held by the Japan Foundation of Malaysia. At the contest, I was introduced to a host family andIwent to Japan to study Japanese for a short time, living with them. During the term, I went to a Japanese language school where my host mother teaches and she helped me enter Kansai University. Lately, there are more and more channels that can help you further your studies in Japan and it’s a lot easier now compared to back then!

13歳の時、高校で日本語の勉強を始め、国際語クラブに5年間在籍していました。 私が16歳、高校4年生の時、先生からマレーシアジャパンファンデーションが主催するスピーチコンテストに参加するように頼まれました。そのコンテストでホストファミリーを紹介され、その後、日本に短期留学した際に、ホームステイをしました。短期留学中はホストマザーが教師をしていた日本語学校に通い、関西大学に入学するためのサポートをしてもらいました。 最近、日本へ留学するためのプラットフォームやチャンネルが増えており、昔と比べて日本へ留学するのにはるかに簡単になっています。

How is your student life in Japan? / 日本での生活はどうですか?

My student life in Japan has been the busiest period of my life so far. I managed to find the courage to take the first step in coming to Japan all by myself when I was 18, but the first few years were tough. I had to get used to life in Japan and the Japanese language school I attended had no staff members or students who spoke English. To survive, I had to learn Japanese as fast as I could and it was a good experience. I could make friends just by speaking Japanese and more importantly, I managed to get JLPT N1 in a shorter time than most students. After that, I managed to get into one of the most prestigious universities in Japan, Kansai University, and currently I’m in the economics faculty specializing in business and industrial economics, researching cashless payment methods. Aside from studies, I join extracurricular activities such as business contests, debate contests, and such. I also had the opportunity to even appear live on a famous journalist’s television show! In my free time, I have dinner with my club mates and my friends, and we just talk about everything and just have a good laugh about how tough things are and how it is in its way fun. I also do long-distance cycling and other outdoor activities. As for my part-time job, I teach English to students from kindergarten to high school and I love teaching kids.


Any message and/or advice to those who wish to study in Japan? / これから日本留学を目指す人にメッセージやアドバイスをください。

I was once told to grab any opportunities with both hands. If you don’t find any, make your way to one. If you wish to study in Japan, there are the right channels that can take you here, and trust me, you won’t regret coming here. I’m having the most fulfilling life I can ever ask for here and you should too!

私はかつて両手でチャンスをつかむように言われました。 見つからない時は、探せばいいともよく言われます。日本で勉強したいのなら、その意思をサポートしてくれるプラットフォームやチャンネルがたくさんあります。私はここに来たことを後悔することはありません。私はここでこれまでにない最も充実した人生を送っていますので、是非日本への留学を検討してみてください!