
Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan(ASEAN Regional Office) 


Student Voice

Saenchan Somsri



University/Institution Name

Nagasaki University


Environmental Engineering

Period of study abroad


What did you do before studying in Japan?


Why did you choose to study in Japan?

Because Japanese education is very nice and famous for my major, and I also like Japanese culture, language, and food, it is very interesting for me.

How did you prepare for studying in Japan? Please tell us about how you found the information on institutions, supervisor, scholarship, and others.

I found the information from the web page of Chiang Mai university.

How is your student life in Japan? Please tell us about your study, research, part-time job, and others.

My life in Japan is very great and fun, I do experiment about my major, I take Japanese language class, I do part time job during free time, and I also go to travel with friend on holiday.

Any message and/or advice to those who wish to study in Japan?

Japan is so nice for studying aboard, the education, environment is good for studying, I get a lot of experience and have a chance to study Japanese language, this is very great opportunity for me, I am so happy to study abord here.

My 1-day

7:00 wake up
7:30 breakfast
8:10 go to do part time job
8:40 arrive at workplace
9:00 do part time job at hotel
13:30 finish part time job
14:00 arrive at university
14:10 have lunch
14:30 start do experiment
20:00 finish experiment
20:10 go home
20:30 have dinner
22:00 read the paper about experiment
23:00 watch movie
00:00 sleep