Academic Seminars at two universities in Indonesia
On September 16 and 17, 2019, Okayama University held an Academic Seminar in Indonesia at IPB University and the University of Indonesia, in collaboration with the Six National Universities Network/International Education & Research System, Japan (SUN/SixERS) to convey the benefits of studying at universities in Japan.
The seminars were held to encourage local students to study in Japan as part of the “Study in Japan Global Network Project (ASEAN),” with which Okayama University has been entrusted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. On September 16, we paid a courtesy call before the seminar to the faculty members responsible for international cooperation at IPB University. With a local faculty member who earned a doctoral degree in Japan participating in the meeting, we had an active exchange of views on studying in Japan. At the seminar, three professors, one each from Chiba University, Kumamoto University, and Okayama University, provided presentations. Moreover, representing of the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia, Yusuke Takahashi, First Secretary, and Britantia Juliant participated in the event and gave a presentation regarding the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships.
On September 17, the seminar held at the University of Indonesia was attended by many people with the cooperation of Rinjani Hanani Suyu, Education Adviser of the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Indonesia office. The events provided individual consultations for studying in Japan, attracting a total of about 190 local university students, alumni, and teaching staff over two days.
[Seminar lecturers (Field)]
Chiba University: Prof. ODA Yuichi, Institute for Excellence in Educational Innovation (International Education)
Kumamoto University: Prof. SAWA Tomohiro, Graduate School of Life Sciences (Microbiology)/Vice
Okayama University: Prof. KADOTA Isao, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Assistant Director, Institute of Global Human Resource Development (Organic Chemistry)
Okayama University: Prof. MURATA Yoshiyuki, Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science Director, Study in Japan Global Network Project (Study in Japan consultation)
The photo of the seminar (IPB University)
The photo of individual consultation (IPB University)
The photo of the seminar (UI)
The individual consultation booth by JASSO
ໂຄງການສຶກສາຮຽນຕໍ່ໃນປະເທດຍີປຸ່ນ ໂຄງການເຄືອຂ່າຍທົ່ວໂລກ (ອາຊຽນ) ແມ່ນເປັນໂຄງການແນວໃດ?
ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລໂອະກະຍະມະໄດ້ຮັບມອບໝາຍຈາກ MEXT ໃຫ້ເພີ່ມຈໍານວນນັກສຶກສາຕ່າງຊາດຈາກອາຊຽນ ASEAN 1.5 ເທົ່າ ໃນ5 ປີ.