Student Voice

TADAO Sonava
University/Institution Name
Okayama University
Discovery Program for Global Learners (GDP)
Period of study abroad
October 2019 - August 2023
What did you do before studying in Japan?
High school student
1 Why did you chose to study in Japan?
The connection I have with Japan is a special one: my father works and resides in this country. When he visited me in Cambodia, he would bring Japanese omiyage (souvenirs) and showed me pictures he had of Japan, so naturally, this had my shaped interest of coming here too. I especially loved the pictures of Japan’s landscapes and 4 seasons. So I was very excited to do sightseeing and living/studying here. In addition, Japan is famous for its low crime rate. This is very important because I wanted to live in a place where I can feel safe and at ease with living independently in a different country.
2 How did you prepare for studying in Japan?
My preparation for studying in Japan started since I was in junior high school. I found my program -Discovery Program for Global Learners at Okayama University- in the Jasso website. After that, I read thoroughly about the program overview and admission procedures on the program’s official page. When I had further questions, I emailed the faculty directly for a more detailed explanation.
3 How is your student life in Japan?
Okayama (where I am residing) is a great place for international students because it has a perfect combination of city and nature. Therefore, I can direct my full attention towards my studies, while occasionally having fun on the side. Right now, I think I am balancing well with school, work, social life, and personal life. The key is to spend time very wisely – knowing what to prioritize and what to put aside.
4 Any message and/or advice to those who wish to study in Japan?
If you have an interest in coming to study in japan, there are a few things you might want to start doing. 1) Start studying Japanese! There are many interesting courses, as well as local activities and places you can explore better if you have some Japanese skills. This will enhance your study abroad experience! 2) Be intentional of what you want to study. Of course, you can explore once you arrive in Japan, but it is better to start researching and learning from home about the academic subjects of your interest. This way, it shows that you are eager and genuinely interested in your chosen academic path. 3) If you are planning to study subjects in Humanities and Social Sciences, pick up the habit of reading and writing early on! It will help prepare you for university level assignments!